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Océaniques et Continentaux
Université de Bordeaux  CNRS  Bordeaux-INP  EPHE  OASU

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Consignes de Sécurité et Numéros d'Urgence
(à l'usage des personnels du laboratoire)

Nom :RaymondNatalie Raymond
Prénom :Natalie
Statut :Enseignant-Chercheur UBX (Maître de Conférences)
Equipe :Ecologie et Biogéochimie des Systèmes Côtiers
Adresse :UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU
Station Marine d'Arcachon
Université de Bordeaux
2 Rue du Professeur Jolyet
Téléphone(s) :05 56 22 39 05
E-mail :natalie.raymond@u-bordeaux.fr

Expertise / Responsabilité
écophysiologie bactérienne, interaction(s)

Leite L., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Raymond N., Henriques I., Garabetian F., Alves A. (2017) Phylogenetic diversity and functional characterization of the Manila clam microbiota: a culture-based approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 21721-21732, doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-9838-z.

de Montaudouin X., Lucia M., Binias C., Lassudrie M., Baudrimont M., Legeay A., Raymond N., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lambert C., Le Goic N., Garabetian F., Gonzalez P., Hegaret H., Lassus P., Mehdioub W., Bourasseau L., Daffe G., Paul-Pont I., Plus M., Do V.T., Meisterhans G., Mesmer-Dudons N., Caill-Milly N., Sanchez F., Soudant P. (2016) Why is Asari (=Manila) clam Ruditapes philippinarum fitness poor in Arcachon Bay: A meta-analysis to answer?, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 226-235, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.09.009.

Masse C., Meisterhans G., Deflandre B., Bachelet G., Bourrasseau L., Bichon S., Ciutat A., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lavesque N. Raymond N., Gremare A., Garabetian F. (2016) Bacterial and macrofaunal communities in the sediments of the West Gironde Mud Patch, Bay of Biscay (France), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 189-200, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.011.

Meisterhans G., Raymond N., Girault E., Lambert C., Bourasseau L., de Montaudouin X., Garabetian F., Jude-Lemeilleur F. (2016) Structure of Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) microbiota at the organ scale in contrasting sets of individuals, Microbial Ecology, 7(1), 194-206, doi: 10.1007/s00248-015-0662-z.

Garabetian F., Lyautey E., Bourasseau L., Daffe G., Girault E., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Leconte M., Persilie E., Raymond N., Thevand A., Vitte I. (2013) Microbial source tracking in the Arcachon bay. validation of culture-based libraries of escherichia coli and enterococci genotypes. [Identification des sources de contamination fécales en milieu côtier (IDFEC): Validation d'une base de données de Microbial Source Tracking pour le bassin d'Arcachon], Techniques - Sciences - Methodes, 2013(4), 38-49.

Meisterhans G., Raymond N., Lebreton S., Salin F., Bourasseau L., de Montaudouin X., Garabetian F., Jude-Lemeilleur F. (2011) Dynamics of bacterial communities in cockles (Cerastoderma edule) with respect to trematode parasite (Bucephalus minimus) infestation, Microbial Ecology, 62, 620-631.

de Montaudouin X., Paul-Pont I., Lambert C., Gonzalez P.,Raymond N., Jude F., Legeay A., Baudrimont M., Dang C., Le Grand F., N. Le Goic N., Bourasseau L., Paillard C. (2010) Bivalve population health: Multistress to identify hot spots, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 1307-1318.

Paul-Pont I., Gonzalez P., Baudrimont M., Jude F., Raymond N., Bourrasseau L., Le Goic N., Haynes F., Legeay A., Paillard C., de Montaudouin X. (2010) Interactive effects of metal contamination and pathogenic organisms on the marine bivalve Cerastoderma edule, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 515-525.

Paul-Pont I., de Montaudouin X., Gonzalez P., Jude F., Raymond N., Paillard C., Baudrimont M. (2010) Interactive effects of metal contamination and pathogenic organisms on the introduced marine bivalve Ruditapes philippinarum in European populations, Environmental Pollution, 158, 3401-3410.

Dang C., de Montaudouin X., Bald J., Jude F., Raymond N., Lanceleur L., Paul-Pont I., Caill-Milly N. (2009) Testing the enemy release hypothesis: Trematode parasites in the non-indigenous Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, Hydrobiologia, 630(1), 139-148.

Blanchet H., Raymond N., de Montaudouin X., Capdepuy M., Bachelet G. (2003) Effects of digenean trematodes and heterotrophic bacteria on mortality and burying capability of the common cockle Cerastoderma edule (L.), Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 293, 89-105.

de Montaudouin X., Jensen K.T., Bachelet G., Russell-Pinto F., Sauriau P.G., Raymond N., Desclaux C., Wegeberg A.M., Kisielewski I., Baudrimont M., Blanchet H., Raigne H., Palvadeau A. (2003) Phenology and dynamics of a parasite-host system, Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology.

Mazeas L., Budzinski H., Raymond N. (2002) Absence of stable carbon isotope fractionation of saturated and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during aerobic bacterial biodegradation, Organic Geochemistry, 33, 1259-1272.

Nadalig T., Raymond N., Ni'Matuzahroh, Gilewicz M., Caumette P., Budzinski H. (2002) Degradation of phenanthrene, methylphenanthrene and dibenzothiophene by a Sphingomonas sp.strain (2MPII), Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 59, 79-85.

Budzinski H., Nadalig T., Raymond N., Ni'matuzahroh, Gilewicz M. (2000) Evidence of two metabolic pathways for the degradation of 2-methylphenanthrene by a Sphingomonas sp. strain (2MPII), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19, 2672-2677.

Goni-Urriza M., Capdepuy M., Arpin C., Raymond N., Caumette P., Quentin C. (2000) Impact of an urban effluent on antibiotic resistance of riverine Aeromonas and Enterobacteriaceae spp., Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66, 125-132.

Nadalig T., Raymond N., Gilewicz M., Budzinski H. (2000) Development of a protocol to study aerobic bacterial degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons : application to phenanthrenes, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 18, 177-192.

Goni-Urriza M., Capdepuy M., Quentin C., Raymond N., Caumette P. (1999) Impact of an urban effluent on the bacterial community structure in the Arga river (Spain), with special reference to culturable Gram-negative rods, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 45, 826-832.

UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU - Université de Bordeaux
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire - CS 50023 - 33615 PESSAC CEDEX - FRANCE

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